Supplly Chain Trends for 2024

Supply Chain Trends in 2024: Navigating the Future of Freight and Logistics

The world of freight and logistics is undergoing profound transformations, driven by a mix of environmental challenges, technological advancements, and the imperative for resilience in the face of global disruptions. As we delve into the trends shaping supply chains in 2024, it’s clear that sustainability, autonomy, resilience, cybersecurity, digitization and data integration are at the […]

Eliminate foundational fraud vectors & risks
Communication & Reporting

• Alignment between your team and finance through visibility and secure data synchronization
• Timely, actionable information during transportation and post-delivery
• Automatically updates finance/AP to avoid surprises and unpredictable spend bulge
Improve Operations
• Eliminate virtually all manual invoice reconciliation, so you can reallocate high-cost team members, and you have more time on Friday afternoons!
• Eliminate virtually all OTIF issues
Looking Forward – New Opportunities
• AI-enabled predictive modelling linked to reality of operations
• New revenue opportunities (quick pay, trade finance)

Communication & Reporting
• Alignment between you team and the revenue team through visibility and secure data synchronization
• Keep your revenue team updated (stores, DC’s) and automatically ties deliveries to merchandiser store visits
• Automated, dynamic scheduling among store, suppliers, carriers and merchandisers
Looking Forward – New Opportunities
• AI-enabled predictive modelling linked to reality of operations

Eliminate foundational fraud vectors and risks
Communication & Reporting
•Timely, actionable information during transportation and post-delivery
•Alignment between your team, carriers and shippers through visibility and secure data synchronization
•Alignment between you, and your finance and revenue teams through
visibility and secure data synchronization
•Automatically updates finance/AP to avoid surprises and unpredictable spend bulge
Carrier relationships
•Establish and automatically enforce carrier performance criteria
•Eliminate virtually all manual invoice reconciliation, so you can reallocate high-cost team members, and you have more time on Friday afternoons!
•Accessorial issues are eliminated through automated reconciliation
•Eliminate virtually all OTIF issues
Supplier relationships
•Eliminate virtually all OTIF issues
Looking Forward – New Opportunities
•New revenue opportunities (quick pay, trade finance)
•AI-enabled predictive modelling linked to reality of operations